Why partecipate
Participate to Sponsor a day!
The Royal Marsden

PET / CT scanner

The campaign allows us to make a donation by sponsoring a day which is special to you and helps make it an exstrordinary day in the fight against cancer.

Sofia's day Sofia has decided to make a donation and has sponsored the 11th September, the date of her birthday. In the year 2004 over 700 people from all over Europe participated to sponsor a day, raising around £ 100,000.

All donations made, like that of Sofia's, will be used to revolutionise research, treatment, detection and accurate diagnosis of cancer. The Marsden wants to create a modern centre to enable them to offer more day hospital treatments and a unit that will double the phase one clinical trials.

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This website was created by Sofia Mori, her parents and friends. The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust 
is not responsible for the content of this site and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed